Mountains of Zhanjianjie, China where makers of the movie Avatar got their inspiration.
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2018 began when I decided to celebrate my 50-year photographic quest with a month-long trip. First to India, then China, followed with a three-day train to Tibet, then overland to Mt. Everest, Nepal and finally, back to India. For this, I acquired new cameras to replace my faithful Leica's and cherished lenses. Camera-technology keeps advancing; faster, lighter, with mega sensors, digital capacity and a trigger that burns a roll of film (if you had film) before you realized you'd pressed the shutter. After my trip, photography, as I knew it, had become easy. Too easy. It was time for a change... more


NEW WORK: It’s so rare to be at a place when all things come together for a picture. This is the quest. Mere photographing is just not good enough.

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NEW WORK: It’s so hard to find new subject especially in iconic places where millions of photographs have been cherished. So when nature plays a role, I rejoice with gratitude in this new creative partnership.

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NEW WORK: In 1980, I was on a year-long assignment on Taiwan for National Geographic. It was a time where the island, in fact, the whole world, was in the wake of an awakening giant, China.

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NEW WORK: I felt I had an appointment with a moment. So I went up the mountain in the rain. Half-frozen I came down with nothing to justify the morning soak. Then out of the woods, this monkey came and sat in front of me…

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NEW WORK: I’ve visited Hong Kong a dozen times in the past 50-year. It seems any visit would not be complete without a trek up to Victoria Peak. It’s a view that lends perspective and reveals the general state of the world. My recent visit is no exception.

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NEW WORK: Jerusalem O’ Jerusalem…Your tombs are filled with those alive. In your gates the world despise. Angels come to sing renew. The walls of darkness seize the light. Light does shine on the land. You’re embraced by the night.

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NEW WORK: Enter to see photo: This is a work in progress page. SUBSCRIBE for the latest stories, blogs and (if I’ve taken pictures of you in the last 50 years) don’t miss friendship updates. Thank You!

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NEW WORK: Enter to see photo: This is a work in progress page. SUBSCRIBE for the latest stories, blogs and (if I’ve taken pictures of you in the last 50 years) don’t miss friendship updates. Thank You!

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NEW WORK: Enter to see photo: This is a work in progress page. SUBSCRIBE for the latest stories, blogs and (if I’ve taken pictures of you in the last 50 years) don’t miss friendship updates. Thank You!

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NEW WORK: Enter to see photo: This is a work in progress page. SUBSCRIBE for the latest stories, blogs and (if I’ve taken pictures of you in the last 50 years) don’t miss friendship updates. Thank You!

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NEW WORK: Enter to see photo: This is a work in progress page. SUBSCRIBE for the latest stories, blogs and (if I’ve taken pictures of you in the last 50 years) don’t miss friendship updates. Thank You!

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NEW WORK: In sixty-five years we have brought Mt.Everest to its knees. Human excrement, garbage, and dead bodies have desecrated this once pristine and delicate ecology. Water running off this mountain has been declared unsafe to drink and feared to be diseased laden.

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2000’s DECADE

HEAT’S ON: A decade of transformation. The dawning of the age of Aquarius. Water turning to steam. Fruition from the quest was liberating. It was a decade that exchanged ambition for the magic of the unknown.

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New Works


NEW WORK: It’s so rare to be at a place when all things come together for a picture. This is the quest. Mere photographing is just not good enough.

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