Garrison, New York 1980

Steve Mccurry


Welcome to my future blog page about Steve Mccurry. Click on the like button above to expedite the completion of this page and SUBSCRIBE below to follow the many updates. 

2010’s DECADES

GRATITUDE: A decade beyond expectation. I learned to live in the moment instead of capturing the moment. . . simply, being present to welcome the moment.

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1980’s DECADE

INDULGING DEFIANCE: Photography gave me wings but also a sense of boundless creativity. This was a decade of independence, anti-establishment. It was a decade that avoided entrapment, both stylistic and accomplishment,. an era of exploration and renaissance.

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NEW WORK: In 1980, I was on a year-long assignment on Taiwan for National Geographic. It was a time where the island, in fact, the whole world, was in the wake of an awakening giant, China.

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NEW WORK: It’s so hard to find new subject especially in iconic places where millions of photographs have been cherished. So when nature plays a role, I rejoice with gratitude in this new creative partnership.

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It may not be Art but it's a collectable!

Gavin Grow

A future blog about Gavin Grow will be completed. Enter now to see photos. Since 2014.

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Jim Ealer

A future blog about the late Jim Ealer will be completed here. Enter now to see photos. Circa 2004.

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Neil Pryde

Future blog page about Neil Pryde (yes it’s a real person) will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1993.

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Buey Grossman

A future blog about my bird name Baby and Buey Grossman will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 2010.

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