New York, New York 1984

Louie Psihoyos


Welcome to my future blog page about Academy Award winner Louie Psyhoyos. Click the “Like” & “Share” buttons as a vote to expedite its completion. Click below to be notified for all future updates..

2010’s DECADES

GRATITUDE: A decade beyond expectation. I learned to live in the moment instead of capturing the moment. . . simply, being present to welcome the moment.

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1970’s DECADE

DECADE OF ADVENTURE: Fresh and exciting, a decade of innocent encounters, whether temporal or spiritual, all powerful awakenings. A dance of light, faith, and form, converging in time, out of chaos into moments of delight and awe.

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NEW WORK: Enter to see photo: This is a work in progress page. SUBSCRIBE for the latest stories, blogs and (if I’ve taken pictures of you in the last 50 years) don’t miss friendship updates. Thank You!

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NEW WORK: In 1980, I was on a year-long assignment on Taiwan for National Geographic. It was a time where the island, in fact, the whole world, was in the wake of an awakening giant, China.

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It may not be Art but it's a collectable!

Ken Winner

Future blog page about Ken Winner will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1998.

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John Jessey

Future blog page about John Jessey will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1998.

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Louie Psihoyos

A future blog about Oscar-winning filmmaker Louie Psihoyos will be completed here. Enter now to see photos. Since 1984.

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Gavin Grow

A future blog about Gavin Grow will be completed. Enter now to see photos. Since 2014.

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