Mike Lam

Mosier, Oregon 2017

Milke Lam


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1980’s DECADE

INDULGING DEFIANCE: Photography gave me wings but also a sense of boundless creativity. This was a decade of independence, anti-establishment. It was a decade that avoided entrapment, both stylistic and accomplishment,. an era of exploration and renaissance.

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1970’s DECADE

DECADE OF ADVENTURE: Fresh and exciting, a decade of innocent encounters, whether temporal or spiritual, all powerful awakenings. A dance of light, faith, and form, converging in time, out of chaos into moments of delight and awe.

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NEW WORK: I went to Llasa to see how the Chinese occupation has changed Tibet. I was moved by the reverence and inner strength of the people. I thought if the Chinese can embrace Tibet, i.e. The Dalai Lama, they will find the secret to longevity.

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NEW WORK: I’ve visited Hong Kong a dozen times in the past 50-year. It seems any visit would not be complete without a trek up to Victoria Peak. It’s a view that lends perspective and reveals the general state of the world. My recent visit is no exception.

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It may not be Art but it's a collectable!

Anna Winand

Welcome to the future blog page about Anna Winand. Assistant to the Director of the International Center of Photography. Enter to see photos. Since 1973

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