Jim Ealer

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Mosier, Oregon 2017

Jim Ealer


Welcome to my future blog page about Jim Ealer. Click on the like button above to expedite the completion of this page and SUBSCRIBE below to follow the updates on this site. Thank You!

2000’s DECADE

HEAT’S ON: A decade of transformation. The dawning of the age of Aquarius. Water turning to steam. Fruition from the quest was liberating. It was a decade that exchanged ambition for the magic of the unknown.

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1980’s DECADE

INDULGING DEFIANCE: Photography gave me wings but also a sense of boundless creativity. This was a decade of independence, anti-establishment. It was a decade that avoided entrapment, both stylistic and accomplishment,. an era of exploration and renaissance.

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NEW WORK: I felt I had an appointment with a moment. So I went up the mountain in the rain. Half-frozen I came down with nothing to justify the morning soak. Then out of the woods, this monkey came and sat in front of me…

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NEW WORK: I’ve visited Hong Kong a dozen times in the past 50-year. It seems any visit would not be complete without a trek up to Victoria Peak. It’s a view that lends perspective and reveals the general state of the world. My recent visit is no exception.

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It may not be Art but it's a collectable!

Barry Coleman

My future blog about the late Barry Coleman will be completed here soon. Enter now to see photos. Circa 2015

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Woody Camp

A future blog about the late Woody Camp will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Circa 1982.

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Jode Goudy

A future blog about Jode Goudy will be added here. Enter now to see photos. Since 2015.

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