“I’ve done a couple of books. I know
how difficult they are. This isn’t a book,
it is a ‘Masterpiece’.” Larry Hatteberg
Past-President National Press
Photographer’s Association

“A new genre — a book both rich in great
photos and excellent prose. A truly wonderful
treasury of the last four decades and a very
special history of those years. A classic
Bruce Wineberg Publishing Consultant
to the Metropolitan Museum

“What a work of memory, dedication, and serious
commitment… nicely done… you can’t really skim it…
there is something on almost every page that grabs you…
nice work!” Dave Burnett Award Winning Photojournalist

“I have known John Chao since 1975 and knew he
led an exhausting, exciting life, but nothing prepared
me for his book of photographs and text.
His pictures,
touching on the profound — not a surprise — are a joy
to behold. His text takes me to places I thought I knew
but did not.
It is a book to savor for the life that prompted
it and the interpretation he wrapped around it. A vision of
our world, a contemporary photographer’s world with
doubts and insights only an inquiring, spiritual mind
could convey.” Anna Winand ICP Executive Assistant to Cornell Capa.

(Click on a page for shadow-box display, use arrow to scroll between pages.
Double-click to enlarge. If it is blurry, give it time to upload.)

To purchase a signed copy go to 50-Year Vision Quest